Companionship focuses on socialisation rather than assisting with personal or medical needs.

Your companion will soon become a Trusted and Friendly part of your day.

Welcome to Bella's Companionship

Everybody needs somebody, especially as lockdown has taken hold of our lives for the past two years and the loneliness pandemic has seeped into younger and younger generations. Now that the pace of life has started to pick up again, we understand that sometimes it can be difficult to plan social activities around your busy schedule. Given the current difficulties we find while navigating the new social norms created by Covid-19, it can help just knowing that there is a friendly, caring companion who visits regularly.

What is companionship care?

Companionship care provides companionship and friendship at a time when it is most needed, aiming to reduce or prevent loneliness for a person who might otherwise become isolated.

Companionship is our most requested service, given the difficulties faced by todays working man or woman. What we provide helps give some semblance of normality to life..

Our Goal

The aim of our companionship services is to ensure that you are living a rich, fulfilling and stimulating life in whatever setting that may require, all the while feeling like you are not just with a friend, but with someone whom you can trust.

Isn't companionship just for the elderly?

Not at all, given the struggles faced by all generations throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, loneliness has become more prolific than ever, with under 50’s being the most greatly affected by what is being referred to as ‘lockdown loneliness’

‘Living in a single-person household, difficulties with relationships caused by the pandemic, and not having anyone to talk to have also contributed to experiences of loneliness’

From October 2020 to February 2021, of those who said their wellbeing had been affected in the last seven days by the pandemic, 38.6% (about 10.5 million people) said it was because they were lonely. Accounting for groups we know are particularly affected by loneliness more generally, we found young people and single people have also been most affected by this “lockdown loneliness”.

Government legislation and guidelines

We continue to update and communicate with all members of our team to inform them of changes to government legislation. Our processes are monitored and adapted to ensure the sustained and safe delivery of our services throughout these continued strange times.



Bella's Baby's Guildford Ltd
PO Box 1596 Guildford

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